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bunny hop


Whole lotta hoppin’ on a Saturday night!

basement hibiscus

Once again, the overwintering hibiscus provides some warmth and color to a basement that is normally devoid of both – and just in time for the holidays!

Mistletoe Cactus


A teeny tiny flower on the Mistletoe Cactus, Rhipsalis baccifera, that I purchased years ago on a visit to Kingwood Center Gardens in Mansfield, Ohio. The delicate blooms are small, not quite a centimeter, but lovely nonetheless.

late bloom

photo: Camera+ app So Emo filter

The epi, Epiphyllum oxypetalum, had all summer to bloom yet waited until October. The flower seemed unsure whether to open or not, but had the usual heavenly scent.

photo: Camera+ app Vibrant filter

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When your bouquet matches your art . . .

photo by James Ainscough

This is my favorite image of Herbal Roulette, taken on Scott and Celeste’s wedding day. Disclaimer: no poisonous members of the apiaceae family are present, but the lavender is definitely an interloper.

scarlet pimpernel


Scarlet Pimpernel
Anagallis arvensis

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Granted, the gardens do look a little beat in August, but they’re still holding their own despite the heat. It’s interesting to check out the view from the second floor – front garden above and a portion of the back yard below.


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garden pond


Waterlilies ~ peaceful and calming

freeze and thaw


2016 sunflowerbud lores

2016 sunflowerbud2 lores

2016_sunflowerdetail lores


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