hanging around town

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ted lawson & ardath wise

Along with the print show, two additional gallery exhibits opened at Summit Artspace. The BOX gallery, a project of Artists of Rubber City, is featuring watercolors by Ted Lawson in the main gallery along with mixed media work by Ardath Wise in the ‘small box.’ Images of their work are on the Artists of Rubber City Facebook page.

In addition to the opening receptions, the Akron Art Prize is still in full swing, with sixty-four entrants on view at Summit Artspace. There is still a week left to vote for your ten favorites – winner will be announced at the close of the October Artwalk.

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Add an enthusiastic audience to four exhibits on two floors and you have a great opening night at Summit Artspace. The Summit Artspace gallery on the ground floor features the work of the Akron Art Museum staff – Well-Guarded and Institutionalized. Two exhibits of digital photography are showing in the BOX gallery on the third floor: digital infrared photography by Stephen Paternite and composites by Thomas Reiderman. Outside the BOX, Streetscapes: Akron in Plein Air continues to attract viewers.

Midway through the evening the awards for Streetscapes were announced – images and winners are available on the Streetscapes page on Facebook.

Summit Artspace
140 East Market Street
Akron, Ohio 44308

August 9 – September 14

Summit Artspace Gallery
Well-Guarded & Institutionalized – works by Akron Art Museum Staff

the BOX gallery, a project of Artists of Rubber City
Stephen Paternite – digital infrared photography
Thomas Reiderman – digital composites

August 2 – August 31
Summit Artspace – 3rd floor
Streetscapes: Akron in Plein Air


Saturday began with the Best of the City Awards and, being the first Saturday of the month, ended with the Artwalk. Occasionally the Downtown Artwalk falls on a weekend that is between exhibits at Summit Artspace, just as it did this month. Even so, with open studios and the newly installed Streetscapes: Akron in Plein Air, the third floor was well worth the visit.

The studio exterior featured recent watercolors – a bit of ‘how I spent my summer vacation’ visuals:


Out on the floor portable panels held the plein air work submitted to Streetscapes. Participating artists worked throughout downtown Akron last weekend, even during Saturday’s downpours. The results attest to time well spent!

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In her article, Painting the Town, April Helms of Record Publishing covered the painting weekend and the artists working at various locations in downtown Akron.

For up-to-date information on Akron’s Downtown Artwalk visit the Downtown Akron Partnership site.

The current exhibit in the Summit Artspace Gallery is my final one as gallery coordinator. It’s been an engaging six years of incredible art and artists and, since my studio is only two floors away, there is no really no need to say goodby (although I am bidding adieu to the hardware, hammer and ladder).


Closing my tenure with the Contemporary Fiber Artists and their marvelous collection of work has been delightful. The eight artists in the Converging Visions exhibit all work with fiber, but their exact media, methods and styles vary. . . a lot. The show is large, brimming with color and texture, and has received rave reviews from both visitors and media. From Dottie Shinn, writing for the Akron Beacon Journal: “These women . . . make work that brings delight to us all. We should all be lucky enough to be able to do that.” The article is available here.


The overall look of the gallery was noted by Roger Durbin, reviewer for the West Side Leader: “The exhibit is well laid out. Each vantage point around the rooms provides an eye-catching and rich-looking production.” That’s quite a compliment and much appreciated. Although installing such a large show (112 pieces) is a challenge,  the process is absorbing and, when it all comes together, quite exciting – and, in this case, provided for a very happy ending.


Contemporary Fiber Artists:
Jean M. Evans
Polly Gilmore
Fredericka A. Hagerty
Karen Hinkle
Kris Kapenekas
Mary Platis Kapenekas
Kathryn Markel Levy
Jean A. Markowitz

Converging Visions
June 14 – July 27, 2013
Summit Artspace
140 East Market Street
Akron, Ohio 44308


More Dirty Little Secrets – not so secret anymore!

There is nothing like the potential of a hundred or so guests for motivation. The planting, weeding, mulching, weeding, trimming, weeding, pruning . . . and more weeding . . . are (somewhat) finished. The posters and tour guide are printed. The yard sign is in place. The weather forecast is perfect. It must be time for the West Hill Neighborhood Organization’s Tour of City Gardens!

street sign

Visitors to this year’s garden tour viewed seven residential gardens, two business gardens and three public gardens – and found out some ‘dirty little secrets’ about many of them. In additional to annuals, perennials and veggies, several of the gardens had live music, while others featured living statuary provided by NEOS Dance Theatre. Photos from stops along the tour are on Facebook.

front door containers
container plants outside the front door

The following narrative accompanied my listing in the tour guide:

Some time ago I came to the realization that, for me, the garden is an ongoing mixed media installation – engaging to work on and never, ever finished. As an artist I find the enjoyment is in the creating – working with a  variety of materials and playing with color, texture and composition. Sure, there’s planning involved, but, as in art, the best surprises come from spontaneity.

My late husband, Gene, had little interest in garden work unless it involved power tools. He happily took the lead in all construction projects, building the fences, shed, deck and, my favorites, the window boxes. Ground level was, and is, all mine! This year my sons helped with some of the really dirty work:  Scott, took on a couple rebuilding projects, while Matthew spent hours dealing with weeds, volunteers and invasives.

Thank you so much for visiting – I hope you find that even a small space can hold limitless possibility!
~ Joan 

A dirty little secret: that crazy wisteria is growing directly over the original driveway strips. A sledgehammer was used to crack the concrete in hopes that the roots would find their way to the soil below. I guess it worked!

front garden view from above
view of the front gardens from above

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mother nature statue aka NEOS Dance Theatre dancer

After all the work it was lovely to spend an afternoon with visitors, gardeners and friends – everyone seemed to enjoy being outdoors amid the surprises to be found in the urban landscape.
Visit my garden set on Flickr for more images.



Summit Artspace is all about fiber this summer. An exhibit by the Contemporary Fiber Artists is in the Summit Artspace Gallery while upstairs the BOX gallery is featuring Millinery As Sculpture in the ‘big box’ and Crayon Batik in the ‘little box.’

converging visions Postcard-Front-Cropped-673x1024

Converging Visions – New Works in Fiber is a large and varied exhibit of quilting, beading, felting, resists and more. Included are a few round robin pieces that each member contributed to, along with a couple collections of small themed pieces. The Contemporary Fiber Artists are Jean M. Evans, Polly Gilmore, Fredericka A. Hagerty, Karen Hinkle, Kris Kapenekas, Mary Platis Kapenekas, Kathryn Markel Levy and Jean A. Markowitz.


On the third floor the Millinery Arts Coalition is exhibiting Millinery as Sculpture with work by Paula Singleton, Donald Wasson, Dee Hall and Lee St. Marie. Larry Walker’s crayon batiks fill the small gallery. Visit Artists of Rubber City on Facebook for an album of their work.

Converging Visions – New Works in Fiber
Summit Artspace Gallery

Millinery As Sculpture
Crayon Batik – Lawrence A. Walker
The BOX Gallery

June 14 – July 27, 2013
Summit Artspace
140 East Market Street
Akron, Ohio 44308


studio door crow

Finally the generic brown door to the studio is history! A couple paint choices from the local Habitat for Humanity ReStore (that’s arctic blue on the trim and ginger smash (?) on the door) combined well with the exterior wall color and provided a backdrop for a sauntering blackbird. Yep, he’s doing the Artwalk!

studio door crow detail

2013 art at the farm_lores325

For the second year, the Barberton Community Foundation and the Barberton Historical Society partnered with the Barberton City Schools to present Art at the Farm. Exhibited in the O. C. Barber Pig Barn on Robinson Avenue, the show features artwork by both students and artists from the community. The middle and high school students are eligible for awards. Again this year Tony Mastromatteo and I judged the work.

So much talent, creativity and hard work make for difficult decisions – thankfully the choices were not mine alone.

2013 artatthefarm_interior

Art at the Farm gallery view

2013 artatthefarm

Barberton grade school students’ Jackson Pollock project


open studio postcard

Following a couple impossible years, it’s a pleasure to once again hold an open studio! The hounds are ready for company and the studio is nearly ready for visitors.

2013 osdpc_front

But really, whose idea was this to host an open studio and a garden tour less than a month apart??

In 2007 the West Hill Neighborhood Organization presented their first tour of urban gardens, Dirty Little Secrets – The West Hill Tour of City Gardens. Six years later the expose continues with More Dirty Little Secrets, featuring private residences and public spaces. Although you didn’t hear it from me, one of the gardens is very close to home – as in very, very close.

The event is a bittersweet reminder that the tour gnome is no longer with us. Ever the good sport, Gene happily accompanied visitors between sites six years ago. The city trolleys will again be providing transportation – and maybe the spirit of the gnome will be riding along.

hey, I know that gnome!

Follow More Dirty Little Secrets on Facebook for updates.
Creating the print media for this event has been fun, but the garden beckons!

2013 whno garden tour_revised_jpg



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