Over a year in the making, Time Capsules opened Friday evening at the Summit Artspace Gallery. Artist Terry Klausman proposed the exhibit and invited fellow assemblage artists, Bret Hines and Gwen Waight, to join him in filling the space with sculptures and wall pieces that rework all manner of materials into engaging, often thought-provoking, artwork. Even amid the distractions of opening night festivities, Tim Fitzwater captured some interesting views of the artwork – take a look at ZipperCityBlog.
In keeping with the theme, Terry has installed an actual time-capsule-in-progress in the gallery. Artists are invited to add their own contributions to the visual artists of 2015 collection which will be sealed at the close of the exhibit. The crate will then be stored at the Akron-Summit County Public Library, to be re-opened in fifty years!
Time Capsules
Bret Hines – Terry Klausman – Gwen Waight
January 30 – March 7, 2015
Summit Artspace
140 East Market Street
Akron, Ohio 44303
Hours: Saturday and Sunday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
February 13, 2015 update: Akron Beacon Journal review by Anderson Turner – Three Dimensional Works Inspire Creativity at Summit Artspace