2017 herbalwheel_progress1 lores

The circle of herbs has been cut for weeks, but there’s one slight hold-up. Actually, not one, but four, as in four corners, one per block and, realistically, it’s not been a slight hold-up either. Normally I would have an idea of the overall design of a piece before I even start carving. This time I focused on the circular portion and, for a brief time, considered stopping with the round layout. Apparently I wasn’t really committed to a parsley family mandala, hence the four blocks sat in the studio waiting. And then along came the corner crows, ready to preside over what is now officially titled Herbal Roulette!   


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2017 northstreet

Driving solo means that this is the best shot I could get of this fascinating transport vehicle. Surprisingly, this is actually a trailer being pulled by an equally laden truck on North Street in Akron, Ohio.

2017 herbwheelblocks

So far, so good, but still decisions to make. Herbal Roulette.

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IMG_0825 agccalendar

Pleased to be included in 52 Weeks 52 Works, the Academy Graphic Communications calendar – for information on their range of design and print services visit visitag.com

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Research on the umbelliferae/apiaceae plant family must have put an invitation out to the universe. This formidable Wild Parsnip, Pastinaca sativa, appeared in the side garden and is now approaching a height of five feet. The ladybug can enjoy it for a while, but its stay is temporary – the other herbs are feeling bullied!


SA. work by Summit Artspace studio artists
April 21 – May 20, 2017
Summit Artspace
Akron, Ohio

suspects_message_1 lores  suspects_seeds_2 lores  suspects_piccadilly_3 lores
Suspects x 3 (triptych)
relief print with mixed media

A recent addition to the As Potent as a Charm series of poisonous botanicals, Suspects, is inspired by Castor Bean, Ricinus communis, with a nod to the 1978 ‘umbrella murder’ of Bulgarian dissident, Georgi Markov, in London. Neurotoxins found in the seeds are 500 times more poisonous than cyanide. 

2017suspectsgalleryview lores
Suspects x 3 installation adjacent to Nathan Prebonick’s acrylic painting, Ashlar.

IMG_0674 roulettesketch

Hemlock, Conium maculatum, and several of its nefarious relatives, are members of the Apiaceae (or Umbelliferae) family of plants, commonly called the parsley or carrot family. This is a large family of more than 3700 plants and deciding how to represent it in the As Potent as a Charm series has been a bit overwhelming at times. Inspiration arrived in a remark in a Peterson Field Guide, Easten/Central Medicinal Plants by Steven Foster and James A. Duke. In describing Golden Alexanders (also among the Apiaceaes), the author stated, “Amateurs fooling with plants in the parsley family are playing herbal roulette.” Aha! A wheel it is! This time the format will be circular, rather than the narrow rectangle of previous prints. A dozen sketches have been chosen, four of which are poisonous; further decisions are pending, but soon the fun will begin!

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A recent addition to the As Potent as a Charm series of poisonous botanicals, Suspects, is inspired by Castor Bean, Ricinus communis, with a nod to the 1978 ‘umbrella murder’ of Bulgarian dissident, Georgi Markov, in London. Neurotoxins found in the seeds are 500 times more poisonous than cyanide.

IMG_0673 suspects

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Evolving Landscapes
Summit Artspace
March 3 – April 8, 2017

As noted in a past blog post, Landscape Perils, the yew is one of those “plantings that add a hint of danger to the structure of the garden.” In Pleasant Valley appearances deceive: the ubiquitous landscape/foundation plant of suburbia, the Yew, seems ordinary, but all parts of Taxus baccata are poisonous.

pleasant valley relief print

Pleasant Valley (detail)
Yew, Taxus baccata
relief print

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freeze and thaw

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