Yes, I’m named after that Mina!
You are currently browsing articles tagged Halloween.
Tags: Bram Stoker, Dracula, Halloween, Mina Murray
It was a dark and rainy night and the must-have item for the Neos Dance Theatre’s production of Count . . . The Legend of Dracula turned out not to be garlic, but a flashlight. In keeping with the spirit of Halloween, there was a power outage in west Akron that left the area, including the empty building where the ballet was being staged, in complete darkness. How delightfully creepy! In true ‘show must go on’ spirit, adjustments to the program were being made to allow the company to perform, lit only by an automobile’s headlights. Then, with remarkable timing, on came the power, the music and the fog machine! The performance was incredible and the staging, lighting and costumes were superb – a most memorable Halloween treat!
Visit the Knight Arts blog for information and a preview video of Count . . . The Legend of Dracula. More about the company is available at their website.
Tags: ballet, block print, Dracula, Halloween