The Crow Show


The Crow Show is a national exhibition produced by The Studio Door and curated by Roxana Velásquez Maruja Baldwin, Executive Director, The San Diego Museum of Art. This would be a marvelous exhibit to see in person, but, because it’s in San Diego, perusing the catalog is an enjoyable alternative. Click on the cover image for the link.

2018_thestudiodoor_crowshow_cover lores

Among all of the remarkable artwork is this little print – the mistletoe crow continues to bide his time and I couldn’t be more pleased!


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  1. Donna Webb’s avatar

    So fun to see your entry! Love your work!


  2. admin’s avatar

    Thanks, Donna!


  3. Aine Scannell’s avatar

    Hi there Joan

    Please add a “follow by email” gadget on your blog. If you do this then I can sign up and keep in touch. Please let me know once you have done this at


    . coz. then I can “follow by email” …………

    bye for now Aine (based in the UK) Its really late now so `I better go to bed!!


  4. admin’s avatar

    Thanks for the idea/advice Aine – it may not happen for a week or so, but I’ll add a widget and let you know when it’s up.



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