
You are currently browsing articles tagged Aconite.

The Monk, et al

Finally there are five prints to complete the Aconitum (monkshood) group in the As Potent as a Charm series! The final prints are designed to flank the first three, although they all work just as well individually.


Aconitum, the bane of women and wolves, is reputed to be deadly to whales, tigers and leopards when used in poison darts; its scent alone is enough to fell a mouse. The situation is dire for the little mouse in the print, Mousebane, where the potential for herbal poisoning is the least of its worries.


Meanwhile, the monk now must consider unearthly entities to his left in the print, Beyond. Two more common names for the queen of poisons, derived from the appearance of the Aconitum flower, are suggested: a rocket (blue rocket) soars into the the night sky above the devilish gargoyle lurking in the shadows (devil’s helmet).

Browse previous posts for more information or visit As Potent as a Charm on my website.

beyond1_lores400  monk(s)hood  insomnia  the night wolf  mousebane

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devil's helmet sketch

Even though the initial three prints in the monkshood series, included in the Upstairs Downstairs exhibit earlier this year, worked fine as a triptych, I knew then that five was the magic number to complete the set of Aconitum inspired images. The ‘queen of poisons’ is probably best known as monkshood, but it also answers to leopard’s bane, devil’s helmet, blue rocket and mousebane (in addition to the previously depicted women’s bane and wolfsbane).

After many initial drawings of devils, the final sketch has him perched like a gargoyle, while the leopard eventually wound up on an overhead tree branch. Both drawings have been transferred to linoleum blocks and cutting has begun – printing can’t be far behind.

leopard's bane progress

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